9 bizarre yet popular cosmetic surgery procedures from around the world

Lana Lennox's Digital Marketing

Breast implants, liposuction and facelifts were once considered shocking enough, but that’s nothing compared to the some newer trends in cosmetic surgery.

It seems we have become de-sensitized to people changing their bodies or faces in one way or another, and may have even considered it ourselves. We are all self conscious, and across the world people have their own insecurities and desires of how they should look, and what matters most to them.

We all have our own ideas of beauty, so we’ve rounded up some strange yet popular procedures from around the world. Some of them may just surprise you. (Or not, if you live in any of these countries.)


Double eyelid surgery is extremely popular in Asia, especially in South Korea. The reason being, that around 80% of Asian women and men don’t have the crease on their eyelids like Caucasians do. Since the desired…

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Dealing With Your Partner’s Past

very well said, sista!!

Lana Lennox's Digital Marketing

Many couples face the problem of dealing with each other’s past relationships and activities. How can you resolve your feelings?

  • Look at your own past. Do you really have a right to judge your partner’s past?
  • Your inability to get beyond your partner’s past is your problem. Your partner didn’t necessarily do anything to you. It’s your decision

    advice relationship

    if you can get beyond the past.

  • Realize that your partner was not born the day you started dating him/her. No one has a totally clean slate.
  • Accept your partner for who he/she is — both the good and the bad. Use that acceptance to create a bond that holds your relationship together.
  • If you or your partner allow your past to define either one of you, you are living up to a label, not your personal truth.
  • If you’re being judged, tell your partner: “You can either trust me or…

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Why You Should NOT Have Any Female Friends

Lana Lennox's Digital Marketing

have female friendsHaving female friends serves absolutely no purpose for you. There is absolutely NO point or benefit to you having any female friends.

Having female friends is not only bad for you, but it also makes you LESS LIKELY to attract and sleep with the women who you truly want.

“Malcolm, you must have gone crazy? What could possibly be so bad about having women as friends?”

A Whole LOT. I would venture to say that most men fail with women (and ultimately never improve with women) precisely BECAUSE they have female friends. Allow me to explain to you exactly why having female friends is so destructive if your goal is to attract and succeed with women.

Why Do Most Men Have Female Friends?

For me to better explain to you why it’s so bad to have female friends, we must first discuss and determine why most men have any female friends to begin with.

In my…

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Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Before You Quit Your Job, Do These 4 Things

Lana Lennox's Digital Marketing

For years while I was working as a stylist for Regis Hair company, I dreamed of starting my own company and being my own boss.  After years of anticipation, I took action and founded a startups Royal Care Cosmetics and Royal Care Mobile Spa. I love my life as a startup entrepreneur.

Are you thinking of making the switch from a big company to starting your own business?  Even while you’re still working, there’s a lot you can do to prepare yourself for the jump.

Here are four tips:

1. Never eat lunch alone

One of the best assets you have from your time at a big firm is an extensive network of professionals who (hopefully) think well of your work.  In your final months in the corporate world, you should invest in tending your current relationships and even building some new ones.

A strong network can provide leads for…

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‘Relationship OCD’ May Hurt Sex Life

Lana Lennox's Digital Marketing

People in relationships who constantly question whether their partner loves them, or whether they’ve found Mr. or Ms. Right, may have a condition known as relationship obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Now, a new study finds that, perhaps not surprisingly, people with these symptoms may be less satisfied with their sex lives than those who don’t have this condition.

In the study, people with symptoms of relationship obsessive-compulsive disorder (ROCD) — which can include behaviors such as constantly reassessing whether you love your partner, doubting your partner’s love or thinking about a partner’s physical flaws — were less likely to be satisfied with their sex lives than people without these symptoms.

This lower level of sexual satisfaction was explained by a decrease in relationship satisfaction — in other words, it seems that ROCD symptoms reduce relationship happiness, which, in turn, affects sex life.

The findings, which were published online June 6 in the…

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Easter Food From Around The World

Lana Lennox's Digital Marketing

Greece – Tsoureki

Greece - Tsoureki

Ecuador – Fanesca

Ecuador - Fanesca

Russia – Kulich

Russia - Kulich

Finland – Mämmi

Finland - Mämmi

US – Easter Ham

US - Easter Ham

Jamaica – Bun and Cheese

Jamaica - Bun and Cheese

Mexico – Capirotada

Mexico - Capirotada

Argentina – Torta Pascualina

Argentina - Torta Pascualina

Netherlands – Advocaat

Netherlands - Advocaat

UK – Hot Cross Buns

UK - Hot Cross Buns

Lebanon – Ma’amoul

Lebanon - Ma'amoul

Egypt – Fesikh

Egypt - Fesikh

Italy – Casatiello

Italy - Casatiello

Sweden – Boiled eggs with Shrimp

Sweden - Boiled eggs with Shrimp

Switzerland – Osterchüechli

Switzerland - Osterchüechli

Poland – Babka Wielkanocna

Poland - Babka Wielkanocna

Brazil – Bacalhau à Gomes de Sá

Brazil - Bacalhau à Gomes de Sá

German – Osterschinken im Brotteig

German - Osterschinken im Brotteig

France – Le Gigot d’Agneau Pascal

France - Le Gigot d'Agneau Pascal

South Africa – Cape Malay Pickled Fish

South Africa - Cape Malay Pickled Fish

Iceland – Páskaegg

Iceland - Páskaegg

Nigeria – Frejon with Obe Eja

Nigeria - Frejon with Obe Eja

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Facebook and Relationship Craziness

key point on!! ❤

Lana Lennox's Digital Marketing

I know. You don’t mean to snoop on your new relationship, life partner, or even a person of great sexual interest to you on Facebook. It just happens. Of course  you may have mutual friends which means that lots of things “just come into your newsfeed”. And how come your love interest just put a heart on that female mutual friend’s status when you only got a “like”? And now you have become completely obessesd creating stories about a relationship that may or may not even mean anything?

Facebook can create relationship anxiety and put you completely over the edge. Are you watching to see if you get “liked” today by your special someone? What if he or she didn’t “like” you at all today, but they “liked” other people. What’s up with that?

Are they withholding their “likes”? You begin to wonder if the relationship is in trouble…

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